Pneumatic Aid
Pneumatic Aid was formed in 1990 when Shaun Ninnis realised there was a need for a ‘One Stop Air Shop” in the Industrial Park of Isithebe on the North coast of KZN. Pneumatic Aid was one of the first Distributors appointed by Ingersoll Rand owing to the fact that Shaun had 10 years experience working at Ingersoll Rand as a sales engineer. At first it was only the Pneumatic Tools and Type 30 Reciprocating piston compressors that were handled but gradually the larger Rotary Screw range was offered and now the whole Range of compressed air equipment is sold serviced and repaired by Pneumatic Aid. This includes the Aftercoolers, Dryers and Filters and to check
Shauns marine engineering background with pneumatics resulted in Festo approaching Pneumatic Aid to service and market their equipment and thus Pneumatic Aid was able to harness the two biggest names in their respective fields, namely INGERSOLL RAND and FESTO under one roof.
Demand soon required the opening of a branch in Pinetown and this was done in 1994.
Steady growth has resulted in four technicians and assistants, two sales people and the branch coordinator handling the area from Tongaat south to as far afield as Kokstad and inland as far as Pietermaritzburg.
Isithebe which is the head office has two technicians and assistants two of whom have been with Pneumatic Aid since 1991, two sales people, stores coordinator and two people in accounts department. They handle the area from Tongaat north as far as Mkuze in the north of KZN.
Apart from handling the compressors, aftercoolers, filters and dryers Pneumatic Aid can install the air line system with additional tips learnt from 27 years experience to get best from the circuit. We can also provide galvanised pipe and fittings hose and tubing for all requirements including chemical and flameproof hoses. The cylinders and valves are supplemented with ball and gate valves as well as quick couplers for air, gas & water.
In fact anything that has air as operating media can be sourced from Pneumatic Aid and they are fast becoming experienced with spraying of glue and varnish and stock gravity and both high pressure and low pressure sprayguns for furniture industry.
Come in and experience friendly and efficient service from the team at Pneumatic Aid both in Pinetown and Isithebe.